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SM Agency

SM Agency

About the Author

SM Agency is a full-service digital agency specialising in creating emotional experiences through marketing. We rely on the newest neuroscientific methodology and technology which allow us to get +97% precision in audiences’ emotional understanding and +250% campaigns performance growth. Our experienced team helps brands of any nature connect with customers at a deeper level and get the most out of their marketing campaigns.

If you have a blog and you have already written a ton of content but not many people – if not no one – are reading it, what should you do? Should you build more links? Should you write more content? Our leading SEO marketing London agency is going to reply to these questions and more in this article.

And to start going straight to the point, the truth is that no, you shouldn't do any of that.

Get ready, because we are now going to share with you how to get more traffic to your blog posts without writing more content or building more links.


Hi there, and welcome back to Serendipity Marketing. We're a digital marketing agency with a mission to help small businesses grow by applying psychology to their marketing strategies.

Before we get started, please go ahead and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram.


So, let’s dive straight into it.


1. Adjust your title tags


The first thing that we have for you is that you need to adjust your title tags.

When you log into the Google search console, it'll show your pages with the most amount of impressions and the least amount of clicks look for the posts that have less than a 5% quick do rate.

Once you've figured out which posts have less than a 5% click-through rate, look for all the keywords, because when you click on that link it'll show you in the Google search console what keywords you're getting traffic for, and look for the keywords that you're raking in decent position for.

At this point, add those keywords within your title tag and meta description.

By doing this one simple thing, what’s going to happen is that more people are going to keep clicking and clicking and clicking on your listings because when they're doing a search your keyword is going to be visible in the title and meta description.

Just imagine it; if you do a search for Apple MacBook, you're probably typing in Google the words “Apple MacBook”.

If the first result didn't have the word apple or MacBook in it, are you going to click on it? Probably not.

And that's what Google looks at.

If people aren't clicking on your listing, even if you're at the top, they're going to end up pushing you down.

They're going to push up other results that are getting more clicks.

So, so by taking the keywords and putting in your title and meta description, it's a really simple way to slowly get more clicks.

Google's going to be like “Oh wait. You're ranking number five but you're getting more clicks in than the number four listing.” And this will induce them to move your pages higher.

They want to show the most relevant results to the end-user so that this one little thing will increase your rankings not a period of a week but over a period of three months.

And if you do this for all your top pages, it'll quickly get you more search traffic from your old blog posts as well.


2. Keep sharing your content


Another thing that you want to do is to continually share your old blog post over and over again.

Once you write a blog post, especially if it's evergreen, it's not over there. Why can't you keep retweeting it out? Why can't you keep scheduling it out?

That way, you're continually getting shared not just a week from now or a month from now but literally years from.

Now, why can't you take your old articles and reshare them on Facebook? We do this all the time and we use Open Graph which is where you can change your meta descriptions just for social media and you can do this in the Yoast SEO plugin.

And by doing this, what ends up happening is that you can keep changing the title of the post still making it super relevant, and resharing it on Twitter and Facebook.

That way, months from now when you reshare it, people will be like “Oh this is new. It's fresh.”

Just because you write articles, it doesn't mean everyone in your social community is seeing them.

If you have a hundred thousand followers and you share it on Twitter or Facebook, it's very rare that even 5 or 10% of your audience is going to see it.

That's why you should keep sharing your articles over and over again, especially if they're amazing.

We are not saying that you should share each article 10 times a day, because that's just overwhelming.

But you want to spread it out over a period of a year. You can share that same article 12 times.

This is another little simple thing that'll keep getting you more and more traffic.

And as you're getting more social signals and more people are seeing it, what happens is that Google will see that people keep coming back to that blog post as they like it.

This way Google register that your content is extremely valuable and will rank it higher.

Also, when you get all those extra visitors, some people may even be so amazed that they will link to it. And this will give you new links without actually building them.


Alright, now before we move on with the next SEO marketing London strategies for high web traffic, have you ever thought about how much you should invest in marketing to generate constant business growth? Click the button below to calculate the ideal marketing budget you should allocate for higher visibility, engagement, and profit.

How much should you invest in Digital Marketing?

3. Content repurposing


The last tactic of this SEO marketing London article, which is also a really easy way to drive more traffic to your blog posts, is content repurposing.

You don't have to write more blog posts, but you can end up taking that content and creating videos on that same type of material and releasing it on YouTube and Facebook.

You can end up creating podcast episodes on that same kind of content and release it to iTunes.

By doing these little things and repurposing your content, it goes out X miles and they're getting more views, you're getting more juice out o. each and every single article.

We even take our same content and put the whole article on LinkedIn and by doing this, people aren't coming back to our site, but that content is generating more eyeballs which increases our brand awareness and website visits in the long run.




These techniques will allow you to drive more qualified traffic to your blog without the need of writing new content.

It’s all about optimization, leveraging what is actually working well. By optimizing it, it’s most likely it will work better and Google will push it higher, together with the rest of the content.

Also, keep sharing your content more than once. Not your entire audience sees your articles as soon as you share them.

By sharing them again, you have more chances to engage with the audience that didn’t see it in the first place.

Then, give a new purpose to your articles. Use the content to create new content like videos, posts, and carousels, and link them back to your article.

This way, you’ll reach more people, and the more clicks you get, the higher Google will push your pages.


If you need help with your SEO or website optimization to grow your business in terms of visibility, engagement, and profit, contact our SEO marketing London agency today and speak with one of our digital marketing experts to see how we can build the bridge between the point you’re standing at right now and your goals.

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