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SM Agency

SM Agency

About the Author

SM Agency is a full-service digital agency specialising in creating emotional experiences through marketing. We rely on the newest neuroscientific methodology and technology which allow us to get +97% precision in audiences’ emotional understanding and +250% campaigns performance growth. Our experienced team helps brands of any nature connect with customers at a deeper level and get the most out of their marketing campaigns.

At our SEO consultant London agency, Serendipity Marketing, we have a joke “Where do you go to bury dead bodies? You go to page 2 of Google!”

The fact is that no one ever goes to page 2 of Google. It's either you're on page one or it doesn't even matter.

So, in this article, we are going to share with you how to go from page 2 of Google to page 1. And if you do this, you will see incredible growth in qualified traffic to your web pages and sales as a consequence.

So, read until the end to make sure you gather the whole information and correctly apply it as soon as possible.
So, are you ready for these game-changing steps?


Hi there, and welcome back to Serendipity Marketing. We're a digital marketing agency with a mission to help small businesses grow by applying psychology to their marketing strategies.

Before we get started, please go ahead and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram.


So, let’s go straight to the point, shall we?


1. Study your competitors


So the first thing you need to do is to look at all of the results that are ahead of you on page 1.

You go to those URLs, you can actually take their site and put it into a tool named Ubersuggest. When you put in that URL into Ubersuggest, it shows you every single person that's linking to your competition.

Make sure your web page is better than your competition because, if it's not, this tactic is not going to work.

Plus, Google's goal is to rank the best site at the top, so, of course, you want to make your website and web pages better than your competition.

Once you know it's better, you're at Ubersuggest, you put in a competitor URL and you can see every single person that's linking to them.

You can then go to each of those sites, look for their contact form, and email them something like:

“Hey, I noticed that you linked to X Y &. Z website. I cover a B and C that they don't. Feel free to check it out here and if you like it feel free and link to it. Cheers.”

Now this email template isn't the best one. It's kind of generic but you need to customise it for your business.

We can't give you a customised one because we don't know your business and that's why we gave you a generic one. So, if you do that, what you'll find is that as you're sending out hundreds of emails, you'll get a handful of links. If you send out a hundred emails, you get four or five links, that isn’t bad.

Over time, it adds up and what you'll find is your rankings will slowly climb.


2. Optimise your title tag


You can. go into the Google search console and look to see what keywords you're getting impressions for and what Q is you're getting clicks for.

If the main keyword you’re ranking for isn't getting that many clicks, you need to adjust your title tag to be more appealing.

You can do things like stimulating curiosity.

For example, if you're trying to rank for the keyword “green tea” you can create a title tag like “Seven benefits of green tea. Number five will shock you!”

Do you see how that title tag is stimulating curiosity, right?

As you optimise your title, what you’ll notice by evoking curiosity, and making a more appealing title tag, you’ll get more clicks.

Because if you just have keywords in there, people may click it, but if they don't read that well, no one's going to click on it.

Also, imagine that there are other titles on the page, and if your title doesn’t stand out and doesn't call users’ attention, they will click on others.

It's all about doing what's best for the user.

When you have an amazing title tag, you'll get more clicks than your competition.

Let us ask you this. If you search for a term and a thousand other people search for that same exact term but everyone starts clicking on the number two listing instead of the number one, what do you think that this tells Google?

It tells Google that the number two listing is more valuable than the number one, and eventually, they'll push the number two to one up and the number one listing down.

That's why you need to adjust your title tags.


Alright, now before we move on with the next SEO consultant London tips, have you ever thought about how much you should invest in marketing to generate constant business growth? Click the button below to calculate the ideal marketing budget you should allocate for higher visibility, engagement, and profit.


How much should you invest in Digital Marketing?

3. Stop looking at search queries as keywords


Yes, people are typing keywords into Google, but these keywords aren't just for the sake of them typing in a word.
A keyword is usually a problem that someone's trying to solve.

For example, if you type in “How to get more Google traffic” or even something broader like “SEO” the chances are you're looking to increase your rankings because you want to get more traffic to your website and more customers to your business.

Look at these key terms keywords as problems. If you can solve the problems people are looking for and offer the right solutions that they're looking for, you're going to get more traffic.

So, the way you do this is by logging into Google Search Console and looking at the URL that's ranking.
Google Search Console will show you all the keywords that you're ranking for.

So, take your web page and adjust it to include solutions to all the keywords that are relevant to what the page is around.

By doing that, people will get a better user experience, and then when they land on your site, they won't be clicking the back button.

Because if everyone keeps going to your website, click the back button, that’s going to the Nexxus thing that tells Google they didn't find the solution to their problem.

And that's why you need to think of keywords and your webpage has problems and solutions people are typing in a problem you need to deliver the solution.


4. Build up your brand


One of the biggest factors when it comes to Google rankings is breath. When you want running shoes what you are probably going to buy are shoes from a brand like Nike or Adidas.

And that isn’t because you google for them but because you know those brands.

The same with credit cards. You're going to buy with American Express or use a Visa card. That's because you're familiar with those brands.

By building a brand that creates longevity, Google loves ranking brands higher than non-breath. It helps them determine which websites should rank at the top.

The reason being is that everyone could build links, and do On-Page SEO, but not everyone can build a brand.

People who build a brand show Google that they're here for the long as people trust them and that’s why they should rank higher.

You're not probably going to be able to advertise on TV, do billboards, do magazine advertising because you're much smaller and that's okay.

But there are a few ways you can build your brand. You can use companies as PR served. They do performance-based press. Every time they get you mentioned, you pay money. If they don't get you mentioned, you pay them zero.

You can also use tools like subscribers. Subscribers.com helps get people back to your website.

So, through their browser, they can subscribe to your website, and then when you release new blog posts or new content, they'll keep coming back.

And if people keep coming back to your website, you're building a connection with them. You are building a relationship and they'll end up getting to know your brand much better.

You can use the tools like hellobar.com in which you can collect email addresses on your website so that when people come to your website, you're collecting their email addresses.

And when you have new content, you can notify them through email and get them back to your website, which again helps you build a brand.

You can use tools like Crazy Egg and use their user recordings so that you can see the mouse moves and how people navigate through your website.

You can then produce a better experience for these people that they're going to tell their friends and keep coming back and they're going to be much more delighted versus if they go to a website that's ugly and has a terrible user experience.

And lastly, think about the user first. That's the best way to build a brand.

So, if you put your users first, you serve them using tools like Survey Monkey, figure out how you can truly help them knock their socks off, they're going to have such a better experience that, over time, you're going to build up your brand.




If you do these 4 strategies over time, you're going to notice your rankings go from page 2 to page 1.

But here's the thing; most people want results right away. The rank isn't going up right away. It doesn't happen that way.

Sure, we know that you probably went from page 1,000 to page 7-8 really fast and you may even go from page 8 to page 3-4 pretty quickly.

But as you keep moving up Google takes their time to move up rankings.

It's not because their algorithm is slow. It’s that they want to ensure that you're providing a better experience than all the other web pages that are currently on page 1.

So, make sure you follow these 4 strategies to ensure you’ll move up to page number 1.


If you need help with optimizing your web pages and SEO to grow your business in terms of visibility, engagement, and profit, contact us today and speak with one of our digital marketing experts to see how we can build the bridge between the point you’re standing at right now and your goals.

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