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SM Agency

SM Agency

About the Author

SM Agency is a full-service digital agency specialising in creating emotional experiences through marketing. We rely on the newest neuroscientific methodology and technology which allow us to get +97% precision in audiences’ emotional understanding and +250% campaigns performance growth. Our experienced team helps brands of any nature connect with customers at a deeper level and get the most out of their marketing campaigns.

You are probably aware of how important improving your brand awareness is for your business growth process.

It is as simple as this: if people don’t know who your business, they cannot purchase your product or service. Brand awareness is all about helping others to remember your brand through valuable content they engage with, and by having a unique logo or company name.

The higher is the volume of people you reach and make a strong positive impact on, the more you increase your business visibility and brand awareness.

Increasing your brand awareness means increasing your business reputation. This is a key point if you want to get new customers, retain old customers, and grow your business furthermore.

If then we want to take brand awareness a step forward, we speak about brand recognition.

So, after your new potential customers learn about your business name, the following goal is driving them to have an in-depth knowledge of your products, services, and overall feeling of your business.

This comes from interacting with your target audience through messages that make the right emotional impact to drive them to keep your business in mind.

For example, you can probably recognise the Nike logo from miles away. You probably don’t even need to read the name “Nike” and you just recognise it from its swoosh symbol.

This is the goal that any business has. However, before your brand recognition level raises at this level, you will have to work on and increase your brand awareness.


So, How Can You Increase Your Business Brand Awareness?


Rome wasn’t built in one single day, and neither its brand awareness. It’s difficult for people to automatically remember your business after seeing your logo or name once or twice.

Especially considering how overcrowded the digital world is and how much information people are now getting online in a short period of time.

So, you have to be a constant presence in front of their eyes.

This comes from developing an efficient digital marketing strategy, gaining potential customers’ trust, and raising your digital presence on multiple channels.

Your strategy has to be unique and bespoke to your business and your target audience so that you can stand out more from your competition.

If you are just starting with your brand awareness process, the first thing to do is to define your specific target audience and develop buyer avatars to get to know them at a deeper level. The more focused your audience is, the better.

You cannot target everyone; you want the people that most likely will engage with and follow your brand.

Quality over quantity.

The key to brand awareness is being consistent with high-value content on all platforms your target audience use.

There are numerous ways you can engage your potential customers online and drive them to your business – from posting and advertising on social media to have a fully functional converting website ranking on search engines first results page.

It is very important to know the most beneficial marketing tactics for your business and the ones to instead avoid.


4 Easy Steps To Increase Your Brand Awareness


1. Consistency Is The Key


You can probably imagine one of the main reasons why consistency is so important.

If alongside high valuable content, it helps new potential customers remember your business. Imagine if they could see your logo and content on every platform; it would be much easier for them to keep you in mind, wouldn’t it?

And on top of this, sharing valuable information will help you build in their minds the idea of your business as a trustworthy authority in the industry, leading a higher percentage of them to your business.

Consistency can also help with SEO.

For example, if you have a Google My Business (which you should) you can see that your name, address, and phone number (all together also known as NAP) are displayed on the right-hand side of your screen when you search for your business. This should be the same on all the platforms you use.

Let’s imagine you own an accounting office, and your office’s name on Google My Business is Accounting Office of Mark Fox, but the name displayed on Yelp is Accounting Offices of M. Fox, this becomes problematic for search engines. Search engines, as well as your potential customers, might see these as two separate businesses.

However, if you, as a brand, are consistent everywhere you share information, you will become a more trustworthy and credible authority for potential customers to convert into loyal ones. And you will also help your SEO, having a greater possibility to rank higher in search engines.


2. Social Media Presence


In a digital world that gets more and more overcrowded, with so much information available, the more platforms you build a good presence on, the easier increasing your brand awareness becomes.

With billions of active users daily, social media platforms placed themselves as highly beneficial channels for any business to increase visibility and growth.

You will give your target audience a higher number of possibilities to see and interact with your business, increasing your brand awareness as a consequence.

Of course, you can run ads on these platforms. However, you should also be posting consistently.

After all, consistency is the key, isn’t it?

It applies to any marketing strategy, and surely here as well. In addition to this, there are a few things you can do to empower your consistent posting and boost your business visibility.


The first thing is to post high valuable content. Having a social media marketing London campaign where you just post consistently is not enough if the content is not engaging to your target audience.

Make sure your posts speak about something that your potential customers are looking for. Place a clear call to action so that they know what you would like to do after seeing your post.

If you want your posts to stand out and drive a higher percentage of potential customers to your business, design and copy have to stimulate the right driving emotions for them to do so.

Also, reply to all the comments you get on Facebook!

If you want to be known as a trustworthy and helpful business, make sure to interact with your customers. It can be an effort, yes.

However, this will help you build good relationships with potential customers, and good relationships surely increase trust and conversions.

So, if someone asks a question, make sure you answer it. If someone has a problem, give them a valuable solution.


Create a unique hashtag for your brand on Instagram.

Hashtags help users find products, brands, and more through posts that are tagged with hashtags they look for.

How can you use hashtags efficiently?

The best way is to use a combination of generic, niche, and brand-related ones. If you only use generic hashtags, your posts can get lost in the crowd.

Also, make your own hashtag. It may take a while before it takes off but it helps you create a unique identity and stand out from the crowd.

Dedicate attention to the tone, colours, and photos on your social media platforms.

Everything in your social media marketing London campaign needs to be strategically studied and be in line with your brand. Having a theme in line with your brand helps new potential customers to recognise your business.

This means that all of the posts you share have a similar feel. This increases the chances that when potential customers see a post with a similar look to your theme, they will automatically associate it with your company.

Not to mention, having a consistent theme doesn’t just look nice, but also professional and trustworthy.

Use LinkedIn! Its active 63 million decision-makers and professionals made it the most popular social media platform for business owners.

Users on this platform are highly open to new connections.

This can help you build relationships with other businesses and expand your audience. And on top of this, having a company profile on LinkedIn is also a great way to improve your SEO rankings on Google and brand awareness as a consequence.


How much should you invest in Digital Marketing?

3. Optimise Your Website On Search Engines

A very beneficial way to build brand awareness for your business is by optimising your website on search engines. Your target audience is out there looking for products and services similar to the ones your business sells.

New potential customers are searching every day for businesses like yours able to help them to overcome their issues.

But what if when they search, your business website isn’t listed as one of the first results on search engines?

They simply are not aware that you exist and your website would be kept listed in results pages that almost no one gets to check.

Did you know that over 70% of searchers don’t go past the first search engine results page?

This means that if your business doesn’t appear on the first page when people look for specific keywords related to your business industry, you are losing numerous opportunities to increase your brand awareness.

This means that at least over 70% of your target audience keeps choosing your competitors over you just because they are not aware your business exists.

So, if you want to increase your visibility and brand awareness, SEO optimisation must be part of your digital marketing strategy.

Speaking clearly, SEO is a complicated task for someone with no experience. It takes years of study and practice to master it. I don’t know if this amount of time is something that you can afford considering that you are already running a business.

However, if you decide to manage your SEO, just be cautious and mindful as with no experience it’s easy to make mistakes, and if you don’t know exactly what to look at, you might be able to realise the mistake you’ve made only when your website crashes or gets penalised on search engines.

And these are problems that you will not want to face, especially if you sell online or you run digital marketing campaigns.

But don’t worry. For such a complicated task, you can decide to rely on an expert SEO agency London to manage and run efficiently your SEO service the UK.

SEO is indeed a complicated task as well as a strategy that, if managed by experienced hands, is able to easily increase your brand awareness positioning your website in search engines results page, making it easier for your potential customers to find and get to know your business.


4. Share High-Value Blog Articles


Another exceptional way to build brand awareness is to provide value to your target audience by writing blog articles! Here as well, alongside the high-valuable content, consistency is the key.

You should be sharing an article every week to keep your audience engaged. This can be hard when you have already a business to run.

However, this can be the right strategy for your business to increase its visibility and boost your brand awareness.

In addition to this, you will, of course, want to provide valuable content to your potential customers.

So, research what problems they have, what challenges they are facing, what information they are looking for, and provide them with a valuable solution in the form of a blog.

Make sure you provide real value, even though it’s free, and stimulate the right driving emotions from them to be engaged and interact with you.

Your blog should be full of valuable information, not only for users but also for search engines. Search engines are smarter than you might think.

They don’t only focus on keywords and meta tags; they analyse how beneficial your blog will be to readers.

Writing blogs for SEO can be a challenge, but with the right keywords, you will be able to be shown on the top of the search engine results pages.

Blog articles are often part of an efficient SEO strategy. A leading SEO agency London can support you with creating deeply engaging blog articles and use them to empower your SEO service UK and ranking your website on search engine first results page.


What Makes A Leading Digital Marketing Agency London Worth For Your Brand Awareness Strategy?


Someone may think that once they have gained a wider audience of loyal customers, they have made it!

It’s like that from that moment on you never have to worry about advertising or building brand awareness anymore and your business continues growing and maintaining its standards. Is this what you think as well?

If the answer is yes, you will want to think again.

Imagine that even the biggest brands out there continue to redesign and optimise their branding strategies to stay on top.

Let’s make an example; what if you hear the words “Just Do It”?

What is the first thing that comes to your mind?

Probably the brand Nike.

They worked so much on their branding strategy that their motto is well known worldwide.

They built their brand around this motto and tend to market experiences rather than their brand. Essentially, they are not selling just products, they are selling products that will help you reach your goals. And, despite they have a huge loyal audience, they keep running their branding strategy and innovating it.

If you don’t do it, even though you are on the top, someone else will, at some point, do better than you, and your business will lower its standards and brand awareness.


By now, you might have realised how important having a strategy in place for constant growth is if you want to increase your business brand awareness.

Awareness isn’t just a one and done technique. It comes from constantly positioning your brand in front of potential customers so that the more they notice you, the more they keep your business in mind.


Digital marketing services from Serendipity Marketing


At Serendipity Marketing, as a leading full-service digital marketing agency London, we are expert in designing and running an effective branding strategy specific for your business.

From setting up the strategy around your specific target audience and brand identity to managing and monitoring any single aspect of the whole campaign.

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