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SM Agency

SM Agency

About the Author

SM Agency is a full-service digital agency specialising in creating emotional experiences through marketing. We rely on the newest neuroscientific methodology and technology which allow us to get +97% precision in audiences’ emotional understanding and +250% campaigns performance growth. Our experienced team helps brands of any nature connect with customers at a deeper level and get the most out of their marketing campaigns.

Have you ever built an amazing landing page, drove targeted traffic to it, and then found that everything you're doing, you're just not getting any conversion? It sucks.

You've put in all this time. You've put in all these resources. You just can't get sales for the life of you.
But no worries, in this article, we are going to share 7 landing page creation tips that will skyrocket your conversions.


Hi there, and welcome back to Serendipity Marketing. We're a digital marketing agency with a mission to help small businesses grow by applying psychology to their marketing strategies.

Before we get started, please go ahead and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram.


So, let’s dive straight into this.


1. Load time


Speed matters.

But let us actually back it up with a stat. So, we have our Serendipity Marketing website where we provide services but also eBooks and courses.

Did you know that when we were optimizing our site, and trying to improve our load times, we found that every second we improved in load time, our conversions went up 6%?

Now just imagine that every second we improved in load time, it went up by roughly 6 percent. That's huge!

And the reason especially is that it’s important in today's world, specifically if you have an eCommerce, people use mainly mobile devices. It doesn't matter if they're on 5G or 4G or LTE.

Just because they have all these fancy devices and technology, it doesn't mean they're in a place with amazing reception. For that reason, you need fast load times.

They say the average human has an attention span of less than a goldfish. That's right, less than a goldfish.
So, if you can't make your site load fast, someone's going to leave, go somewhere else, and they're going to get the conversion.

So, speed is everything.


2. Don’t use generic landing pages


With generic landing pages, we don't mean a generic landing page in which a landing page is selling all your services or all your products. You surely already know that you need to get specific and only sell one product or one service.

What we mean by that is that, even if you're selling one product or one service keep in mind, that every single traffic source is different.

Getting visitors from Google AdWords, from someone searching a keyword, is totally different than someone coming from a Facebook ad, that's also totally different than someone coming from Instagram, that's also totally different than someone coming from Pinterest or LinkedIn.

So, what we mean is you need to get super specific with your landing page.

Of course, you're only going to have one product or one service on the landing page, but that landing page needs to be super targeted for that audience.

So, by adapting your landing page to the traffic source, you'll find that you use conversions a lot more.

And the way that you do this is to put your mind inside the traffic source. Like, how are people using Google different than people using Facebook?

When you're on Google you're doing a search. You're looking for solutions to your problem. Your problem is typically whatever keyword you typed in on the search box.

On Facebook, you're browsing and looking at pictures of your friends. They may show you an ad relating to a product or service that may pique your interest, but in general, you're not right then and there looking for a problem to your solution.

So, the pitch for the landing page on Facebook needs to be broader, and tell a story, while the landing page on Google needs to hit really hard on the solution to the problem right away.


3. Avoid distractions


We're in a world where there's a lot of ADD, we have attention spans of less than a goldfish, which you guys already know now. So, why would you want to end up showing them tons of navigational options in the header and footer?

Now, in some certain traffic sources, or quote on quote, 'quality score reasons' and things like that, you may need to include some navigational element, but you don't need to go full-blown with tons of dropdowns and too many navigational options to pick from.

By being very specific with where you're focusing a user’s attention, you're going to be better off. And this is important because a lot of people are also starting to do things like on their site, doing chat, they're also doing popups, they're also doing quizzes, so they have a landing page with all these things.

Now, we've found that chat can also boost conversions, but the flaw we are getting here with all these things is sometimes mouse movements are really sensitive and, when a reader is scrolling and reading, it may trigger an exit popup, instead of just showing them their content. If that's what's happening, they're less likely to convert.

So, you don't want to distract people with too many bells or whistles, or by having too many different navigational options, or too many colour schemes on that page.


Alright, now before we move on with the next landing page optimization tips, have you ever thought about how much you should invest in marketing to generate constant business growth? Click the button below to calculate the ideal marketing budget you should allocate for higher visibility, engagement, and profit.

How much should you invest in Digital Marketing?

4. Avoid visual disconnect


If you have an ad that's promising something, and you don't deliver on that promise in the landing page, it is not going to work.

The simplest example of this flaw is someone doing a Google search. If someone typed in 'Apple MacBook' and hypothetically you were bidding on that term and they went to your landing page, but you didn't have the term 'Apple MacBook' on there, or you didn't have a picture of an Apple MacBook, what do you think is going to happen?
Your conversions are going to tank.

So, not only do the texts need to align with how you first drew them in from the initial ad, or that landing page or website that's linking to you, matching their copy but more so your visual does. The images when you're describing the product or service also need to match with that ad copy or that initial traffic search that drove visitors to your site.


5. Mobile experience


Did you know that the majority of searches on Google now happen over mobile phones? That's right, they're not happening from the laptop, they're not happening from a tablet, they're happening from a mobile device.

That thing that's in your pocket 24/7. It's on you more than your laptop or a desktop computer is, hence, more people use it for search.

So, if more people are using it, but your site isn't mobile compatible, or you're landing page isn't, what do you think is going to happen with your conversions? It's not going to do well.

It's super important that it is mobile compatible. Now you shouldn't go create a 'mobile specific' landing page, we just like making our landing pages responsive, that way if someone is on a tablet, a big laptop, a big desktop screen, or a small mobile device, it can tune and adjust in size for that user.

So, that way, you only have to do one page, and you don't have to continually maintain 5 or 10 different pages.


6. Address buyer concerns


There could be, “Hey what if I don't like this product or service, is there a money-back guarantee? Is there a free trial (assuming this is a software as a service company)? What do other people think about this product? Do you have reviews on those pages? How does a product or service look? Do you have video testimonials or case studies?”

All these things are objections and concerns, and if you can answer them within your landing page, you're more likely to convert.

Most people think of a landing page as, “Oh I want it as short as possible, get someone to click, put in their credit card, and buy from me.”

It is not about it being as short as possible and getting someone to click. It's about answering people’s objections. Whatever objections people have, if you answer them, they're much more likely to convert.

If you don't answer someone’s objections and concerns, what do you think is going to happen? They're going to bounce away, they're not going to convert.

If you're not sure what people's objections are, you can always use survey tools, like HotJar or SurveyMonkey, to figure out what people's objections are or concerns are, and you can address them within your content.


7. Make it easy


Last but not least, don’t make the landing page too complicated. What we mean by that is not the length or too many images or videos. We mean the process.

If you have a lead form, how many form fields do you have? Well, if you have 50 form fields, you're going to lose most people.

If you're a checkout process for an eCommerce page, how many form fields do you really need? Can you autofill? Can you have authentication services like login with Google, or with Facebook, to make it so much simpler when somebody's already coming from Facebook?

All these things can make it more convenient for the user. If you make your landing pages more convenient, the chances are they're going to convert more.

If you make it more complicated and harder for them, they're less likely to convert.

Just think of it this way; if someone is on a mobile device, and they have 10, 12 form fields, do you think they want to fill them out? Or do you think they want to click a button that fills out maybe half of them, and then the other half they have to do manual?

They would rather only do half of them and have the other ones done automatically, and some done manually.




These are 7 things that you want to improve to avoid your traffic and conversions being affected.
By working on all of them, you’ll make sure your landing page is fully ready to positively impact users and increase your retention and conversion rates.

Don’t leave anything on the table and make it easier for your potential customers to have a great experience and choose you among your competitors.


If you need help with your landing pages optimization or digital marketing to grow your business in terms of visibility, engagement, and profit, contact us today and speak with one of our digital marketing experts to see how we can build the bridge between the point you’re standing at right now and your goals.

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